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Digitizing: Yet Another Digital Marketer Blog?

I deal with digital marketing in my everyday work, and there’s a good chance you, my fellow reader, partake in our esteemed profession. Over time, I plan to use this platform and post certain types of content. Here’s the plan, which will probably change over time.

Who Is This Blog For?

Sorry for starting as a blunt narcist, but I must stay true to myself – this blog will be mainly be written for me. I plan to use it to offload knowledge and pre-digest my thoughts, but I hope the content will also benefit others. In my “day job” (which also tends to be my “evening job,” “night job,” and “weekend job”), I’m handling digital assets for others. I enjoy that, but I’m doing that for the companies I work for, and I feel the need to write for myself alone.

As you can see below, I plan to post some interesting content here, so I’m hoping this blog will also be for you, my dear anonymous reader.

What Content Can You Expect Here

The content in this blog will probably change over time, but here’s a rough sketch of what I plan to write.

Insights From My Work Around Digital Marketing

I deal with many aspects of digital marketing and sometimes feel like I need to offload some of my insights. Over time, this can evolve into conversations or discussions, but this can be around PPC campaigns, lead generation and demand generation, organic traffic, and the digital marketing funnel.

Things That Work

When I impact a company with a successful project, it’s great to share why. For example, a campaign that exceeded expectations in terms of CTR, amount of leads, quality of leads, etc. Or an exhilarating SEO moment when we over-ranked. These are great opportunities to learn and see how we can repeat.

Things That Doesn’t Work

Sometimes we spend a lot of time on projects that fall flat on their faces, which are even better opportunities to learn and understand the root causes. Understanding failures can be fascinating to watch so that others will not repeat errors.

Researches, Comparisons, Reviews, and Benchmarking

I often look for research or comparison between different ways of accomplishing particular objectives. Examples include using an SEM platform such as SEMRush or Moz. Other exciting reviews can be around some limitations of tools we are working with. It might be good for me to understand better when I come back to a new project and want to decide what to use.

It can also be interesting for readers.

Guides For Specific Topics

One of the things I have an urge for is to write some educational content around some topics I find interesting about marketing. I would definitely not like to reinvent the wheel, but write about content that is (relatively) lacking good guides. Some ideas that come to mind are some topics in Marketing Operations, Modern Marketing Orchestration (or should we call it Digital Marketing Orchestration?), and some content around data-driven marketing.

As you can guess, these are topics I’m pretty passionate about.

Let’s Get Started!

Be prepared for a bumpy road. I don’t have unlimited time to write here, but I will do my best to write interesting pieces. Feel free to subscribe to get updates whenever I’m adding content!

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